General Partners / April 10, 2024

Innocent Smoothies Supply Seeds For Roots & Shoots Programme

Innocent Smoothies have kindly donated thousands of seeds (literally) too many to count, to be used in our Alnwick Garden Roots and Shoots programme. 

Their generous donation will supply the programme with seeds for two years, ensuring that children live a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Our Roots and Shoots programme is delivered to up to 200 school children in Northumberland, with 10 different schools participating each year. It is delivered in partnership with Northumberland County Council and aims to reduce obesity levels, through educating children about healthy eating and lifestyles. Each school are given an allotment plot and learn how to grow and tend for vegetables through the various stages of growing season , with an outreach session in school to ensure there is a legacy of learning. 

A huge thank you to the team at Innocent Smoothies for their generosity and helping us ensure we can educate children around the need for healthy eating for many years to come.